Welcome at Reconnecting Soul
This is a safe Space to connect to the ocean of Consciousness. This is available for everyone and its simple a pure choice.
Be present. Take time to trust and connect with your conscious being that You are.
Invite your human and act the dance of joy, simplicity and love in all that is.
My name is Alice Bara and you are welcome to my practice.
- Conscious breathing sessions / online and in person
- Group conscious breathing sessions / online and in person
- Reconnective healing® sessions / in person and at distance
- Personal Reconnection™
- Accreditation Reconnection™ for Practitioners
You are invited to enter into more clarity in this very moment of your life.
Reconnective Healing
Reconnective healing® is the installment of an optimal state of balance at all our levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and even far more to levels which we do not know and understand yet. Reconnective Healing® doesn’t require diagnosis, complicated steps, procedures or rituals. We simply interact with the Reconnective Healing frequencies, bringing about healings that are often instantaneous and tend to be lifelong. And the only tools required are your awareness, consciousness and presence.
Reconnective Healing has been confirmed and documented in more than a dozen international studies. When Reconnective Healing frequencies entrain with our energy body we emit and vibrate at a higher level of light. This has been shown to restructure our DNA, resulting in the emission of measurably higher levels of bio-photonics light. Stanford Professor Emeritus, Dr. William Tiller says that when information carried through the Reconnective Healing Frequencies is introduced, it creates coherence and order. In other words, greater harmony and balance within us.
For a life challenge three sessions are recommended. Duration of a reconnective healing session is around 1 hour and 30 mins. Price of one session is €90,-.
Distance Session Reconnective Healing
If you are unable to visit Alice in person at her practice in Maastricht, distance reconnective healing session is a perfect option.
The Personal Reconnection™
The Personal Reconnection™ has the intention, personal evolution. It is a focused formation, reconnecting the grid work of your body to the ley lines of our planet, and reconnecting these grids to the universal grid in all dimensions of time and space.
In your Personal Reconnection™ , you are reconnecting to a timeless system of intelligence. This is an engagement to your process of awakening, awareness and being conscious about who you truly are.
At the end of the session we allow 30 mins to debrief your experience. Because clients often drift into a deeply relaxed half-dreaming state, the debriefing time is important to anchor the experience back into the waking state. This work is done completely touch-free, with the client relaxing on the table, shoes off, and eyes closed.
Before to receive the personal Reconnection™ you need to have one reconnective healing session done.
The Reconnection™ process it is once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The cost for the entire two-session experience is € 333,-.
Contact: Alice Bara
Conscious Breathing
There is this way of connecting the Soul with your body and your human. Many many times you spend most of your hours, days, years and lives with activities run by an old version of yourself. Could be an old agreement with your family, or belief, or could be just an old story keep on repeating. Shall this be your choice to be like this.
Shall you want to choose something else to unfold in your life, then you have to make a slightly change of perspective. Just even a tiny angle changed in your position how you look at your life, can bring a grand influence on yourself, and your life.
Each choice you make from a new perspective, designs a new space in your reality. Letting go and allowing yourself to feel it’s a part of being in the now moment. As you may choose to step into the New you are invited to release the old games. In this conscious breathing sessions I offer a safe space while guiding you to feel the connection with your body, human and Soul.
You are very welcome to enter into more clarity in this very moment of your life.
Price for one conscious breathing session is € 150,-.
Freedom Sessions
Online connection and entering a safe space and breathing releasing and receiving. Details:
whatsapp: 0031611128569
email: info@reconnectingsoul.com / alixbara@yahoo.com
Testimonials. Sharing awareness of clients after receiving reconnective healing and reconnection.
"Dear Alice, thank you for the reconnective healing session! I want to tell you that I feel wonderful and I am without any allergic symptoms; my doctor is mentioned that at the moment many other patients are having heavy allergic reactions to pollen. Thank you again so much." Monika, Romania
" This is the first time in my life I am breathing relaxed! For long time I have had constantly longs ache. Also after Covid years, my breath became dryer and heavier. 30 year I have strong pain in the spine bone. I tried all kind of remedies: acupuncture, physiotherapy, etc. Immediately after the session I felt my eyes revigorated and clear. I was aware that the pain in my back wasn’t there anymore. Breath went smooth. Next day I went to Alice, during the Reconnective ONE Experience program in Bucharest and share with her again about the fact that my back pain which was there for 30 years, was gone and I that now am walking straight up. Fantastic! What a joy!" Lenuta, Bucharest
Alice Bara
The Netherlands, 6227 VP Maastricht
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00
Sat and Sun : 10u00 - 18u00
Social media
Reconnective Healing
Reconnective Healing la distanta
Daca nu puteti sa vizitati la cabinetul lui Alice, sesiunile de reconnective healing se pot desfasura la distanta. Ele au acelasi efect.
"Este prima ora in viata cand respir relaxat. Mult timp am avut dureri in zona plamanilor. In perioada Corona am capatat o uscaciune in gat si in timpul sesiuni de reconnective healing am simtit cum dispare. Tot in timpul acestei sesiuni o durere de spate, veche de 30 ani a disparut. Aveam niste vetrebre deplasate si chiar daca am urmat tot felul de tratamente inclusiv fizioterapie si acupunctura, nu imi trecuse durerea pana in acel moment. Imediat dupa sesiune mi-am simtit ochii revigorati si au devenit mai clari. Respiratia este usoara. A doua zi i-am marturisit din nou lui Alice ca durerea de spate pe care o aveam de 30 de ani a disparut si acum pot merge drept. Pe Alice am intalnit-o la Reconnective Healing ONE Experience in Bucuresti unde ea este Teaching Assistant."
Lenuta, Bucuresti
Draga Alice, multumesc pentru sedinta de reconnective healing! Sa stii ca ma simt deocamdata minunat, fara simptome de alergie la polen; desi doctorita mi-a spus ca deja vede niste simptome foarte grave la ceilalti pacienti, eu ma simt foarte bine. Iti multumesc inca o data si iti doresc toate cele bune!
Monika, Tg. Mures
Reconnectarea™ Personala
Contact: Alice Bara
Respiratie Constienta
Respiratia constienta este una dintre cele mai simple, efective si naturale posibilitati de conectare cu Divinul Tau suprem.
Conenctandu-te la intregul tau se creeaza Noi potentiale si posibilitati.
Blocaje a diverselor structuri, contracte vechi, identitati de alta data, ego, vieti paralele, sisteme de credinte pot fi aduse la suprafata, respirand constient.
Pana si cele mai ascunse aspecte ale tale, pot si aduse acasa pentru integrare in Divinul Tau.
Pretul unei sesiuni personale de respiratie constienta este €90,-.
O sedinta dureaza cca 90 minute.